
My Favorite Antenna Design Tools

My main tool: EZNEC with the NEC5 engine.

Add a nice user interface and automate many NEC tasks with AutoEZ from AC6LA.

Convenient plotting and data conversion of impedance with Zplots from AC6LA.

For transmission lines and general analysis: SimNEC from AE6TY. Link it to EZNEC, or have it load data from your VNA.

Detailed design of coils with arbitrary metals and coil form materials: Coil appllication from K6STI.

Antenna and Component Measurement

In the field, I use a RigExpert AA-230 Zoom. I like it for its ease of use, ruggedness, comprehensive measurement and display, and abiilty to save and export data via their PC-based application. Store it in a padded zip bag with every imaginable adapter.

On the bench, for testing antenna components, I use a DG8SAQ VNWA 3E 2-port vector network analyzer with 2-port switch to enable full 12-term calibration. The software is simply outstanding. This instrument has no shortcomings.

My Antenna Articles

NA6O Portable Vertical

Measuring Ground Constants

Four Square Rebuild at N6RO

40m Phased Verticals at N6RO

Antenna of the Month Series. Short summary articles for club newsletters.

Recommended Practices and References

Antenna design in general: ARRL Antenna Book

ON4UN's Low-Band DXing. Extremely detailed design info focusing on 160-40m.

Tower design, construction, and safety: Up the Tower by Steve Morris, K7LXC

A full review of how I plan and execute a major tower project: N6RO 10m Tower Project

Antenna articles by Rudy Severns, N6LF

Antenna articles by L. B Cebik, W4RNL (SK). A vast, legendary collection...

SimNEC in action, showing a matching network. Build your network from components and see how it works!

K6EWN on W6SRR tower

Guarding W6TCP's EME site